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Abstract and Motivation A solution-neutral statement of the problem area and goal / Textual description of project
Project Description Summary of the goal of our simulation
Project Management Functional diagram of project steps with input/output documentation; Project schedule; Task assignment; Due date performance
Simulation Design Influence diagrams, stock and flow diagrams, state machine diagrams, event graphs, data structure diagram, Capella model
Model Documentation and Programming Powerpoint guided tour of model (similar to lecture examples) using screenshots and annotations - It should include the model equations (e.g. formulas for state changes); decision Rules (FCFS vs MostNeeded)); Programming Code.
User Interface Visualization and Animation User's manual or Powerpoint tutorial; screenshots; link to YouTube video; How to install the software or replicate the results?
Output Analysis What questions can you answer using the simulation? What measures of system performance can you estimate using your simulation? What sensitivity analysis? - Tabular summary of runs; statistical significance of differences; Discussion of whether results are surprising or expected; lessons learned; conclusions
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